What is search engine optimisation?
Otherwise called SEO, this process is what makes it easy for internet users to find what they are looking for on search engines like Google. Itโs what makes sure that, when searching for a restaurant, for example, you arenโt directed to a pet-storeโs website.
SEO ensures that your website is indexed properly on search engines so that it can be put in front of the people who are searching for what your business offers.
But SEO can be a little complex, which is why most businesses prefer to let their SEO agencies handle it.
Hereโs what is typically involved:
Keyword Management
Keyword management for web-content as well as in blogs and articles ensures that your website is given relevance and is put in front of the people who are searching for your offers.
Your keywords are relevant to the potential search queries that your audience uses when searching for offers or brands like yours.
If they are managed more effectively than your competitorsโ, viewers will likely see your website first, due to more relevance making for better rankings on search engines.
Image Tagging
Not all the content on your website is text-base, some of it will be images. Search engine crawlers that use information on your website to gauge its relevance, simply cannot see whatโs going on in a picture.
So, by using targeted, descriptive, keyword-driven alt-tags that explain the image, search engines know what they are looking at, and can assign relevance to your website as a result.
Meta Descriptions
Whenever you search for something in Google, you may notice that each result has a brief description of what is on the page, just below the link.
These are meta-descriptions. They help users see whether the content on the page will be helpful, even before clicking on the link.
These meta descriptions also need to be descriptive, concise, and need to make good use of keywords.
This ensures that they tell your users what to expect, but also ensures better ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).
Which brings us to the next question: What is a SERP?
SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page.
Whenever you conduct an online search on Google, your results will be displayed on a webpage, with the most relevant (and most optimised) search results showing up first, while the rest are indexed in endless, unlooked-at pages. These are the Search Results Pages, or SERPs.
Contact Right Click Media for Details
There are a few other areas of SEO, each with their own levels of complexity. Paying close attention to each one can put your website in front of the right people.
If you would like to work alongside an SEO agency that can help you grow your business online through search engine optimisation, be sure to get into touch with a representative from Right Click Media today or continue browsing our website for additional information on our offers.