When thinking of digital video, most of us will think of You Tube. This is no coincidence, given the dominance of today’s video platform, this the visits to You Tube easily trump the visits of any other video platform.
AYTM Market Research did a study examining just how popular the You Tube platform is, and to what degree the users consume content on You Tube. This study showed that the majority of United States internet users which is about 60%, had visited You Tube once a week at least, this was in March 2013. 22% of that percentage had visited You Tube every day, and almost 30% had visited You Tube a few times a week.
Maybe the most shocking are the low percentages of internet users who do not visit You Tube very often if at all. There were only 14% of internet users who reported that they “rarely” visit the platform, and only 9% did not visit it at all.
To put the popularity of You Tube into perspective, AYTM had also looked at the frequency of the internet users who were watching videos on websites other than You Tube. There were 37% that said they very rarely watched videos on a website other than You Tube, and 11% said they never did.
Even though there were 16% that watched videos on websites other than You Tube a few times a month, and 27% were watching more than a few times a week, the amount of videos watched is likely a lot lower than on Google properties. According to the data from comScore from December 2012, Google websites had made up the vast majority of online video viewership in the United States in terms of videos viewed, unique viewers and time spent per viewer. Facebook is the number 2 video property, and it was much lower in terms of videos, unique viewers and the average time spent per viewer.
You Tube’s easy integration on other content platforms and ubiquity across Google sites has contributed to its dominance. However, the video views on the other platforms like Vevo, Facebook and NDN do also contribute to an overall growth in the time spent with online video in general. eMarketer had estimated that the number of online video viewers in the United States will have grown by nearly ^% in 2013, to reach a staggering 182.5 million viewers.
Right Click Media is a professional digital marketing agency. We offer online services such as Hosting, SEO, Adwords, App development, Web design and development and You Tube marketing. Visit our website on www.rightclickmedia.co.za to view our available packages.